Thursday, November 18, 2010

Slow going...

A combination of more stuff on the go with Christmas parties etc coming into season, combined with a stage of construction that doesn't really lend much to progress photos has meant I haven't posted anything in a while. I feel as though tonight I can finalise the rest of the joins on the other sides of the strips, so in the next couple of weeks we should start to see some sort of a hull beginning to take shape!

To give you a low-down on what I have been doing, each join I have previously made has a strip of now hardened fibreglass soaked into it which needs to be trimmed, and then the excess epoxy filed back with a wood file so that the resulting joined strip is no wider than the rest of the strip. You can see what I'm talking about below. (Tip # 4: Make sure when using a razor blade to cut off the hardened fibreglass you have something to stop the blade slipping right through the glass and slicing your hand open. I almost did this a few times before putting a block of wood under the strip and holding my hand behind it which stops you making prosciutto of your fingers).

 Each join has to be filed back before I can do the other side, so with about 40 to do it can be time consuming, but still not particularly tedious. Definitely helps if you have one of these:
It's a car stereo I wired up to a car battery and set into a pretty roughly knocked up hardwood box. The solar panel on top will charge it by trickle feed when the sun comes out, and it pumps out some pretty sweet tunes. Summer here I come! Definitely makes the hours spent in the shed much more fun. Nothing says 'I'm a man and this is my shed' like some Johnny Cash pumping to the sound of power tools!

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